Quantcast Vegetarian StarJessica Simpson-Real Girls Adopt Rescue Dogs

Jessica Simpson-Real Girls Adopt Rescue Dogs

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 19th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Female Singers.

Jessica Simpson In-Store Signing at Dillard's in Frisco, Texas - March 8, 2008

Now that she has grieved over the loss of her beloved Daisy, Jessica Simpson is talking about the excitement of getting a new dog.

Contrary to what her clothing says, real girls don’t eat me, but at least real girls know the importance of adopting versus going to a breeder or kennel.

“Jessica loves dog, but she’s terrified of getting another small dog unless she gets a big dog, too,” her friend explains. “She’s looking at German shepherds or pit bulls and wants a rescue dog,” the Simpson spy tells In Touch.

With an estimated 6-8 million cats and dogs going to shelters every year and only 3-4 million being adopted…the numbers tell a sad story on their own.

Congrats to Jessica for making the right decision.

via popcrunch.com

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