Quantcast Vegetarian StarRachael Ray Sweet And Sara “Snack Of The Day”

Rachael Ray Sweet And Sara “Snack Of The Day”

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 12th, 2009 in Business, Chefs, Food & Drink.

Rachael Ray Hosts The Burger Bash

Exciting news in the world of celebrity chefs!

Today, Rachael Ray is featuring a treat containing vegan marshmallows, specifically, the goodies created and distributed by Sweet & Sara.

Sweet & Sara Peanut Butter smores are getting some deliciously sweet press on the Rachael Ray Show website.

Nice Karma balance, after Rachael hosted the Burger Bash with bacon lusting Guy Fieri.

The Peanut Butter Smore is the Sweet and Sara original Smore made with gelatin free marshmallow with a layer of smooth peanut butter on top a graham cracker.

These guys have worked the vegan marshmallow in ways you couldn’t imagine.

They also feature strawberry marshmallows, toasted coconut, and even cinnamon pecan in their product line, all handmade in a dedicated vegan facility.

Sounds like a factory where Willie Wonka gave up the egg and dairy.

The company is headquartered in Long Island City, New York.

We imagine their phones should be ringing off the hook for orders any minute now.

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4 Responses to “Rachael Ray Sweet And Sara “Snack Of The Day””

  1. Sweet & Sara Says:

    Yay! Veganism goes mainstream! Our peanut butter smores are AMAZING!

  2. Rachael Ray Bethenny Frankel–Who Would You Says:

    […] and included an entire chapter of vegetarian recipes in her Big Orange Book cookbook and featured a dessert with vegan marshmallows on her […]

  3. Food Network “Unwrapped” Sweet And Sara Vegan Smores (Video) Says:

    […] and Sara peanut butter smores were featured on Rachael […]

  4. Rachael Ray Features Surf Sweets As “Snack Of The Day” Says:

    […] Ray has been known to feature vegetarian love on her website, like the Sweet & Sara Vegan Marshmallows based out of a factory in New […]