Quantcast Vegetarian StarKris Carr “Think Pink Boutique” Cancer Event Featured Speaker

Stand Up To Cancer - Arrivals

Crazy Sexy cancer survivor Kris Carr will be a featured speaker at the Think Pink Boutique presented by The Augusta Chronicle and University Hospital Breast Health Center on Oct. 13 at the Savannah Rapids Pavilion in Augusta, Georgia.

Kris is the founder of crazysexylife.com, a website for all things health, wellness, and veg.

Before Kris was diagnosed with a rare form of incurable cancer on Valentine’s Day in 2003, she was meat food junkie.

“I was a disaster. I was a junk-food junkie. I ate steak and processed foods,” she said.

Now she sticks to an organic, vegan diet that’s mostly raw.

She also advises using shampoos that are made with plant based ingredients versus chemicals.

Kris is popular, as there are only about 60 or so tickets remaining for her “Think Pink Boutique” speech next week.

To purchase and learn more, visit this link.

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