Quantcast Vegetarian StarHeather Mills V Bites Bites Differently Than Thought

Heather Mills V Bites Bites Differently Than Thought

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 8th, 2009 in Business, Food & Drink, Restaurants.

Heather Mills Launches V-Bites Restaurant

We reported earlier that Heather Mills had opened a U.S. version of her V Bites vegan restaurant and cafe.

He, he, he, just kidding.

Actually, reports on the web were slightly incorrectly and the center in Bronx is the Hunts Point Alliance for Children (HPAC) community gathering space and distribution center.

So while the restaurant isn’t up yet, perhaps there is chatter going on at HPAC headquarters?

HPAC is the charity that Heather used to donate over a million dollars in vegan food to the area last year.

More information on the distribution center can be found here.

via boogiedowner.com

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