Quantcast Vegetarian StarWoody Harrelson Comfort Foods Include Mango, Avocado

Woody Harrelson Comfort Foods Include Mango, Avocado

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 7th, 2009 in Actors, Food & Drink.

Woody Harrelson visits 'The Late Show with David Letterman' in NYC

Woody Harrelson doesn’t find pleasure in mac and cheese, warm cornbread, or any other traditional comfort food.

If the zombies invaded Hollywood much like they did in Zombieland, Woody would be headed for the produce section of the store, not the sweet aisle to find Twinkies like his Zombieland character Tallahassee.

“I’d be searching for a mango,” Woody told New York Times. “Or an avocado. It really is a tough call between the two.”


Maybe Woody should pay Jason Mraz a visit. He, Jason and Olivia Wilde could go crazy on the green fruit.

What’s your comfort food during hard or stressful times, zombies or no zombies peeking through your window?

via Readingeagle.com

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2 Responses to “Woody Harrelson Comfort Foods Include Mango, Avocado”

  1. Brad Says:

    He’s the coolest!

  2. Miriam Says:

    I actually like avocado as comfort food too. Whenever I’m sick I mash avocado (but don’t make guacamole) and dip tortilla chips in salsa, the avocado mash, and Tofutti Better than sour cream. The best!