Quantcast Vegetarian StarIlleana Douglas “Easy To Assemble” Vegetarian Swedish Meatballs

Illeana Douglas

Illeana Douglas

Illeana Douglas stars in a web-based series, Easy To Assemble, about a woman who’s fed up with Hollywood and decides to work in an IKEA store instead.

Easy to Assemble filming takes place in an actual IKEA store and involves lots of Swedish meatballs.

And apparently it was easy to assemble a veggie meatball to accommodate Illeana.

“I’m a vegetarian!” Illeana said. “They were kind enough to make for me vegetarian meatballs. So everything we’re doing has been with IKEA, [and we] lucked out that we’ve all become friends. It’s been a real playground for all of us. We’re constantly inspired by things that happen to them, or their philosophy, and it influences a lot of the work.”

Illeana is working on another web spin-off, Sparhusen, which follows a faux Swedish band.

Watch the clip below to see Ileana chow down on her faux meatballs.

via popwatch.ew.com

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