Quantcast Vegetarian StarVegetarian Daryl Hannah Drunk On Ethanol Fueled Cars

Daryl Hannah departs the 'Today Show' in Rockefeller Plaza

No, Alcohol for Sustainable Living doesn’t mean ensuring the wine bar is stocked throughout your college days.

It’s the way of thinking that we can use ethanol for a variety of purposes-from powering cars to heating homes.

Veggie stars Daryl Hannah and Ed Begley Jr. were present at the recent Alcohol For Sustainable Living Press Conference in LA, where both talked about their views on using ethanol as fuel for vehicles.

“I’m a big fan of non-petroleum ways of moving ourselves around,” Hannah said, “including electric cars running on renewable energy and biofuels, which is why I was a cofounder of the Sustainable Biodiesel Alliance.”

Hannah showed off the 6.6-liter Trans-Am from Kill Bill, which she converted to alcohol with David Blume‘s, who wrote Alcohol can be a Gas, help.

According to Blume, driving your own drunken Kill Bill (but not driving drunk, as that’s irresponsible and dangerous) with E85 ethanol could eliminate the need for oil dependency in a few years.

via mnn.com

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One Response to “Vegetarian Daryl Hannah Drunk On Ethanol Fueled Cars”

  1. Miriam Says:

    I’ll be glad when the US stops being so concerned about transporting with cars and takes a lead from Europe and goes high speed rail.