Quantcast Vegetarian StarMario Barth “Ink Not Mink” Tattoo Ad For Animals


Mario Barth "Ink Not Mink" Ad

Mario Barth is the celebrity tattoo artist!

He hosts the annual Biggest Tattoo Show on Earth and decorates celebrities and regular people at his studio Starlight Tattoos.

He’s inked down the bodies of Jason Kidd, Fieldy of KoRn, Nikki Sixx, My Chemical Romance, rapper Jim Jones and Tommy Lee, who’s even had his own “Ink Not Mink” ad.

Shown here is Barth coming out to urge tattoo fanatics that while it’s okay to play with your own hide, it’s best to leave animals’ alone.

“Be comfortable in your own skin and let animals keep theirs,” the ad reads.

BTW, have you ever stopped to think if your tattoo is vegan?

Parts of the ink solution, such as color pigments can sometimes be derived from animals, and additional ingredients like glycerin may also be unveggie friendly.

It’s always best to investigate.

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