Quantcast Vegetarian StarJeremy Piven Eats Fish Again At Gibson’s Steakhouse Chicago

61st Annual Primetime Emmy Awards - Arrivals

Jeremy Piven either hasn’t learned a lesson or enjoys playing marine Russian Roulette.

Piven was spotted at Gibson’s Steakhouse in Chicago recently chowing down on a piece of whitefish, according to suntimes.com.

Seems he has forgotten about the mercury poisoning incident months ago that caused him to drop out of the Speed The Plow play production.

Earlier this summer, Piven claimed to be fish free for 10 months. Is it time to go back to rehab?

Whitefish is supposed to be considered lower in mercury than other varieties, but that’s only helping Jeremy, not the fish and other marine life.

Overfishing.org has suggestions for combating the problem of commercial and non-commercial fishing depleting the oceans such as limiting the number and type of fish captured.

We’ll go one step further and recommend Jeremy and other “fish eating vegetarians” to take the plunge into the veg ocean themselves-give up flipper completely!

via deceiver.com

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One Response to “Jeremy Piven Eats Fish Again At Gibson’s Steakhouse Chicago”

  1. Mara Says:

    What is up with this fish fetish anyway? Piven can’t find anything else to eat on the menus (not that a steakhouse provides many options).
