Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful: Isa Chandra Moskowitz On Baketivism


“Oh, you mean baketivism? I just made that word up. I think that activism isn’t what you decide to do but how it affects people. So if someone says, I’m going to become an activist! I’m going to stand on a street corner and preach about veganism! And then they go ahead and do that but no one listens and no one becomes vegan, then is that activism? On the other hand, maybe there’s a girl in the middle of nowhere who loves animals and decided to bake vegan. And then people taste her cupcakes and are like “What the hell, I’ll go vegan, too.” Obviously I think the latter is more effective, but I guess people might not see it as activism.”

—-Isa Chandra Moskowitz on a different, definitely tastier method of activism, in an interview with vegnews.com.

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3 Responses to “Meatless Mouthful: Isa Chandra Moskowitz On Baketivism”

  1. Nicole Says:

    You have to admit when it comes down to it, it’s all about taste.

    If people see they can still enjoy their favorite traditional foods in the meat free and milk free version, they’ll have no problem going veg.

    All activism and protests should feature veg food. 🙂

  2. What Does it Mean to be An Activist? Says:

    […] to do with all of this?” Well, at Vida Vegan Con, my new friend Kittee taught me about “baketivism” (which is actually Isa’s term). This simply means using great food as a form of […]

  3. The World Doesn’t Need Another Banana Bread Recipe | Vata Vegan Says:

    […] What we need is for more people to stop ogling at Banana Bread pictures, get in the damn kitchen and go make banana bread for a change! Imagine the number of happier, more fulfilled people if that were the case. Yes, we don’t need more ‘Best Banana Bread’ recipes, we just need to get started somewhere, keep calm and bake, bake, bake, formulating our own meaningful variations, at the same time sharing them with friends and co-workers. Time to unleash that inner baketivist! […]