Quantcast Vegetarian StarNicolas Sarkozy Asked To Initiate Vegetarian Day In France

World Leaders Attend First Day Of UN General Assembly

In a letter from the Brigitte Bardot foundation, France president Nicolas Sarkozy has been asked to implement a meat-free day in the country, starting with all public establishments, and encouraging the private sector to do so as well.

“Other than environmental and humane concerns, the refusal of meat consumption is also the best way to protest against the inhumanity and cruelty in factory farms, during transport and during the slaughter of billions of animals that are sacrificed and eaten each year,” the foundation wrote.

“There is already a ‘day ago without car’, a ‘day without tobacco’, but the initiation of a vegetarian day would have a much greater impact than all ‘carbon’ taxes put together, and the planet would be in infinitely better shape (which would be even still better if that vegetarian initiative would be valid for 365 days per year”).

Bardot’s request comes just after the Climate summit in New York and ahead of the Carbon Tax launch on fuels in France.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations states in their report “Livestock a major threat to environment,” that the livestock sector produces more gases than all of the transportation industry combined.

via evana.org

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