Quantcast Vegetarian StarPamela Anderson Minus Mulesing: Air New Zealand Fashion Week

Pamela Anderson Minus Mulesing: Air New Zealand Fashion Week

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 25th, 2009 in Actresses, Animal Issues, Fashion.

ANZFW 2009 - A Muse By Richie Rich Catwalk

During a press conference promoting her new fashion line A*Muse at the ongoing Air New Zealand Fashion Week, Pamela Anderson said to reporters:

“Would you like a vegetarian appetiser? Without the mueslying [sic],” she said. “Yeah, no pig or sheep hurting.”

Come again?

What exactly is mulesing?

From savethesheep.com:

“In Australia, the most commonly raised sheep are Merinos, specifically bred to have wrinkly skin, which means more wool per animal. This unnatural overload of wool causes many sheep to collapse and even die of heat exhaustion during hot months, and the wrinkles collect urine and moisture. Attracted to the moisture, flies lay eggs in the folds of skin, and the hatched maggots can eat the sheep alive. To prevent this so-called “flystrike,” Australian ranchers perform a barbaric operation-called “mulesing”-where they force live sheep onto their backs, restrain their legs between metal bars, and, without any painkillers whatsoever, slice chunks of flesh from around their tail area. This is done to cause smooth, scarred skin that can’t harbor fly eggs. Ironically, the exposed, bloody wounds themselves often get flystrike before they heal.”


The very thought of mulesing takes the sexiness out of fashion.

We’ll take our next sweater minus the wool or cashmere.

via abc.net.au

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3 Responses to “Pamela Anderson Minus Mulesing: Air New Zealand Fashion Week”

  1. Cici Says:

    Um…u guys don’t have a less revealing picture of Pamela from NZ Fashion Week???!!!

  2. forrest1340 Says:

    This poor brain dead bimbo should stop talking rubbish about things she doe’s not understand like mulesing, and stick to things she doe’s like porn videos and B grade movies.

  3. Titas Watcher Says:

    I see Pamela’s titas.

    Titas are very cruelty-free and pleasurable for all.