Quantcast Vegetarian StarSir Roger Moore Won’t Speak To His Foie Gras Friends

Sir Roger Moore Won’t Speak To His Foie Gras Friends

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 22nd, 2009 in Actors, Animal Issues.

Roger Moore Presents UNICEF 2009 Report

Sir Roger Moore has written a piece in the UK Daily Mail on why he is so against the production of foie gras.

This is a matter so close to his heart, he won’t return your phone calls if you take part in the industry which force feeds geese until their livers swell.

From the Daily Mail:

“When I played James Bond, I was used to fanciful scripts about violence and intimidation. And during 19 years campaigning for the children’s charity Unicef, I have come across appalling examples of inhumanity in the real world.”

“But I have seen few things so revolting and shaming as the horrendous routine cruelty to ducks and geese that goes into the production of one of the world’s so-called culinary delicacies, foie gras”

“And I refuse to speak to old friends who, even when they know how it is produced, are prepared to overlook the suffering for self-gratification. My wife Christina feels just the same. No creature deserves to be treated as these birds are for our delectation.”

“The methods used are not for the squeamish. The birds are crammed into tiny crates where they can’t move at all and are force fed every three hours with 4lb of a corn mash mixture which swells inside them often literally to bursting point. In human terms it is the equivalent of eating 45lb of pasta a day.”

Read Sir Roger Moore’s entire article at dailymail.co.uk.

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