Quantcast Vegetarian StarPackers A.J. Hawk Talks Black Bean Burgers, The China Study

Green Bay Packers vs Philadelphia Eagles - October 2, 2006

Green Bay Packers lineman A.J. Hawk is really into his black beans lately.

His favorite place to consume them is at Kavarna, a vegetarian coffee house in downtown Green Bay, Wisconsin.

“It’s awesome,” Hawk told espnmilwaukee.com. “I’m all about the black bean burger. It’s great. I’m telling you. Or the southwestern wrap – it’s the black bean burger with vegetables, all cut up. I’d eat it every day if I could. (Strength and conditioning coach) Mark Lovat goes there a lot. He lives right by there, so he turned me onto it. It’s cool. Every once in awhile they’ll have a little dude playing the guitar there, too. Green Bay’s cool in that way.”

If you go to Kavarna’s website, there’s a picture of a little dude with his guitar right now, matter of fact.

Guess the advice from the book Hawk read that links diet and disease later in life, The China Study, really had an effect on him.

“I’m always reading about different nutritional stuff. I’m reading “The China Study” right now. Tony Gonzalez has his own nutrition book now, but this is the book that kind of got him into it. I’m reading that right now.”

Is Hawk just adding more vegetarian meals into his diet like Gonzalez? Or is he going for the touchdown and going veg completely?

We think we know who we’re rooting for this football season!

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One Response to “Packers A.J. Hawk Talks Black Bean Burgers, The China Study”

  1. Mara Says:

    Morningstar Farms has a black bean burger I used to eat all the time. I think it was the only one they made that I liked, besides the pizza tasting one. Plus, Chili’s used to have an awesome black bean burger they put mushrooms and avocado and other stuff on it.