Quantcast Vegetarian StarK’s Choice Sarah Betten: The EarthFare, Mellow Mushroom Choice

atp_tyreseus / Jere on Wikimedia Commons

atp_tyreseus / Jere on Wikimedia Commons

If you were a fan of alternative female rockers of the 90s, you probably remember Sarah Betten from K’s Choice, known for their haunting and melodic song, I’m Not An Addict.

Betten and her band mates will be in Asheville, North Carolina recording some new tunes and there are a couple of hot spots she likes to frequent, Mellow Mushroom and Earth Fare.

“We’ll definitely have to go to Mellow Mushroom,” Betten told charletteobserver.com. “There’s a great vegetarian place that I know I’ll hit a couple times. Earthfare’s close to the studio.”

If you head to Asheville, after picking up your pizza from Mellow Mushroom, you can swing by Earth Fare to stock up your home or apartment with natural and organic foods.

Some cool facts about Earth Fare, from its website.

1. Earth Fare became the first supermarket to ban high fructose corn syrup in 2004.

2. Earth Fare also removed all products with hydrogenated oil or partially hydrogenated oils from its shelves 13 years ago-before everybody caught onto the trans fat bandwagon.

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One Response to “K’s Choice Sarah Betten: The EarthFare, Mellow Mushroom Choice”

  1. Allie Says:

    Not An Addict is a very cool song.

    Banning all high fructose corn syrup is impressive. I don’t even think Whole Foods does that.