Quantcast Vegetarian StarDid Jenny McCarthy Influence Jim Carrey’s Swine Flu Comment

**RESTRICTIONS APPLY** Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy at the snowy photocall for A Christmas Carol in Cannes

A few months ago, we posted a comment Jim Carrey made about swine flu and pigs at the MTV Movie Awards.

“There wouldn’t be a swine flu if we treated the pigs better!”

Shortly after, we received a comment on the post from a “Meat McSausage,” mocking our theories.

“No. Who ever wrote this is a braying jackass. He said it as a joke. He could probably give a flying f*ck about pigs living conditions. And even if he did he wouldnt take it upon himself to say that during a speech at an awards show. Idiots”

While we pride ourselves on diversity at the Veg Star, we definitely don’t have any jackasses on staff.

Jenny McCarthy has recently announced she’s vegan.

Could Jenny’s diet change have been prompted by animal welfare reasons, especially after learning about the factory farmed conditions pigs are kept in?

And could Jim, who might not necessarily be vegetarian, also be thinking about where the food on his plate comes from and the ethics of eating.

Suddenly, we’re not sounding  like braying idiots after all.

Jenny and Jim got married, by the way.

Maybe a meatless union is in store for the happy newlyweds.

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4 Responses to “Did Jenny McCarthy Influence Jim Carrey’s Swine Flu Comment”

  1. Tamara Says:


    “Meat McSausage” is the only one who sounds like a braying jackass.

    His “MsSausage” must not be that endowed or he wouldn’t have to troll and make a comment like that.

  2. Brent Says:

    Trolls are always entertaining, at least.

  3. Brent Says:

    But if Jenny is vegan she should come out and talk more about it publicly.

    PETA would love her for a photoshoot.

  4. Bob Smith Says:

    Jenny McCarthy as a vegan is a total joke. Her anti-vaccination movement has a very real death toll associated with it. If she doesn’t believe in killing then she should stop spouting total lies and misinformation about vaccines.