Quantcast Vegetarian StarRussell Simmons Mission: Relieve Human, Animal Suffering

Russell Simmons Mission: Relieve Human, Animal Suffering

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 15th, 2009 in Business, Food & Drink.

Russell Simmons and Keri Hilson front row at the Charlotte Ronson at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Spring 2010 Collection, NYC

The vegan, yoga fanatic Russell Simmons sat down with chron.com and gave some thought on health care and improving humanity.

A few excerpts:

As a health-conscious, yoga-practicing vegan, what kind of health-care reform would you like to see?
“Ask people in the aisle, if you speak to Congress. Ask them how many people don’t take money from the health-care industry. Ask them that, and then everybody can be in silence. And then you ask them, “Do you feel comfortable, we’re the only country in the civilized world that doesn’t take care of their sick?””

How would you describe your personal mission?
“To relieve suffering of people, animals and the planet. That’s a life’s goal, to get people out of struggle and to promote consciousness.”

“On a smaller level, giving them the opportunity to go out and achieve and giving them the courage and the confidence … to go out and achieve and change the world — be the change themselves.”

Russell never fails to drop a line about how anybody, anywhere in the world can change themselves by adopting a veg diet.

Sounds like he’s already taken a big step in relieving suffering for both humans and animals.

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