Quantcast Vegetarian StarLea Michele “Glee” Star: “Buck Cruelty” To Horse Drawn Carriages


Lea Michele is hitting all the right notes with this PSA for PETA against horse drawn carriages, Buck Cruelty.

You may recognize Lea from the new Fox hit television show, Glee, but she’s no stranger to acting, as she has several credits on Broadway, including the musical, Spring Awakening.

According to the Coalition To Ban Horse Drawn Carriages, these attractions aren’t good for public or animal safety, and have resulted in both people and horses getting injured.

And horses sustain joint injuries and other medical problems as a result of pounding the street pavement for long hours in adverse weather conditions.

Sounds like a Broadway show no one would want to attend.

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5 Responses to “Lea Michele “Glee” Star: “Buck Cruelty” To Horse Drawn Carriages”

  1. Nass Says:

    She is a naturally beautiful woman with a good heart.

    I’m so glad she decided to do this campaign.

    And Glee is amazingly not annoying to watch at all. 🙂

  2. New York City Public Hearing–Ban Horse Drawn Carriages Says:

    […] Baldwin once compared the industry to “drug dealers” and “public intoxication” and Glee star Lea Michele lent her face to a PETA advertisement, Buck Cruelty. […]

  3. “Glee” Lea Michele Vegan Diet Secret Says:

    […] you wonder why she didn’t get naked for that PETA ad she did awhile […]

  4. Sam Says:

    Are you kidding? I mean seriously? You would rather have us destroy the world with Carbon emissions rather than just improve the horse industry? Sometimes activists make me sick, I’m a researcher, and you have to face facts, we need alternatives, we never had problems riding horses before now? So what’s the problem now?

  5. Sam On A Hybrid Says:


    The cars will be electric, so they’re much easier on the environment. Before now, man didn’t ride a horse next to cars going 40mph.

    Did you read about how the manure from the horse stables caused health problems in little kids? I’m sure for them it was worse than any carbon emission from a car. Raising livestock is a greater cause of carbon emissions than all the cars, trains, boats and planes people take.

    Unless you don’t drive or ride in a car–ever–you can’t point a finger. Especially if you’re still eating any animal products, including eggs and dairy.