Quantcast Vegetarian StarWayne Pacelle Of Humane Society: Hot, Single, And Animal Loving

Wayne Pacelle Of Humane Society: Hot, Single, And Animal Loving

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 14th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Business.

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Politico.com has created a list of Washington, D.C.’s most eligible singles and Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States made the cut.

Hot and an animal activist? Meow!

“Any man that can tame “reformed” dog-abuser Michael Vick must be manly, right? As head of the Humane Society of the United States, he has proven to have a huge heart thanks to his work on behalf of animals. That he has Kennedy-esque looks to go along with his animal advocacy makes many purr even more.”

If you’re the stalker type admirer, you can follow Wayne’s blog at hsus.typepad.com/wayne and find out  his whereabouts-which consists of activism all over the country from reaching out to communities to end dogfighting to pushing for legislation on Capitol Hill to hosting fund raising events for the HSUS.

No, we don’t have his number.

You’ll have to get involved in animal rights, attend a HSUS event and ask him yourself.

via vegnews.com

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3 Responses to “Wayne Pacelle Of Humane Society: Hot, Single, And Animal Loving”

  1. Nass Says:


    So I’m not the only one who thinks Wayne Pacelle is sexy.

    Purr indeed. 🙂

  2. Allie Says:

    Oh yeah, baby.

    Give me some Wayne!

    Love him, his blog, and everything he stands for.

  3. Lisa J. Says:

    Way to go!

    Nice to see an animal activist on the list.