Quantcast Vegetarian StarEmily Deschanel Top S/S 2010 OlsenHaus Vegan Shoes

Emily Deschanel Top S/S 2010 OlsenHaus Vegan Shoes

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 10th, 2009 in Actresses, Fashion.

Television Critics Association party held in Los Angeles

Emily Deschanel already knows what OlsenHaus vegan shoes she’ll be purchasing from the S/S 2010 OlsenHaus collection that debuts in February 2010.

“I love Babylon in all the colors but especially in cow,” Deschanel said, according to the San Fransisco Women’s Fashion Examiner.


Emily is no stranger to OlsenHaus shoes, created by vegan Elizabeth Olsen, as she’s worn the shoes at the Tribeca Film Festival, The Jimmy Fallon Show, and The View.

If you can’t wait until 2010 to buy Emily’s favorite shoe, check out some other OlsenHaus collections available online.

View Emily’s other four favorites, Balance2, Journey, Kingdom, and Vision at the SF Women’s Fashion Examiner.

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One Response to “Emily Deschanel Top S/S 2010 OlsenHaus Vegan Shoes”

  1. Tarj Says:

    Haha. Ironic that a vegan shoe would come in “cow” print.