Quantcast Vegetarian StarWilliam Shatner: Release Lucy The Elephant From Edmonton Zoo

William Shatner: Release Lucy The Elephant From Edmonton Zoo

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 8th, 2009 in Actors, Animal Issues.

19th Annual Hollywood Charity Horse Show

Actor William Shatner is calling for the release of an elephant from what has been called one of the worst zoos in Canada by elephant expert Winnie Kiiru.

In a letter to Edmonton Mayor Stephen Mandel, Mr. Shatner wrote, “I humbly ask you to allow Lucy to retire to better circumstances than at the Edmonton Zoo … she’s old, feeble, and many of us know how that feels.”

Canada’s cold temperatures and zoo policy require that Lucy stay indoors for most of the time, which significantly reduces her mobility.

When she is allowed outside, the enclosed area is very dusty and causes her respiratory and foot problems, according to PETA’s blog.

Shatner is an Emmy winning award actor who’s best known for being Captain James T. Kirk on Star Trek as well as his role in Boston Legal.

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3 Responses to “William Shatner: Release Lucy The Elephant From Edmonton Zoo”

  1. Kikki Says:

    That’s horrible.

    I wish there were strict laws governing how zoos can keep animals.

    How sad.

  2. Al nadon Says:

    F u shatner!!!

  3. Al nadon Says:

    Too many green women gotcha panties in a bunch?! I wouldn’t fight you cuz you’d problly chop my back… But man, have you ever let yourself go….