Quantcast Vegetarian StarStacy Haiduk Cat Purse At Daytime Emmy Awards

Stacy Haiduk Cat Purse At Daytime Emmy Awards

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 8th, 2009 in Actresses, Animal Issues, Offbeat.

The 36th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards at Orpheum Theatre in LA F to the R to the E to the A to the K! Stacy Haiduk decided to make a fashion statement at the recent Daytime Emmy Awards by wearing her cat. Yes, this is a real cat. Dead. And stuffed. Mr. Kitty was Stacy’s co-star on The Young and the Restless for several months. Is this why soap opera audiences are dwindling? Mr. Kitty was someone’s living pet, and now has the pleasure of being immortalized thanks to a taxidermist. 36th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards - Arrivals

Stacy was quoted in the New York Post as saying:

“It was for the fans. I feel that this cat was somebody’s lovely, beloved animal. They loved him so much they had him preserved, and I thought since Mr. Kitty has had such success on the show, he deserved to be at the Emmys.”

Since Stacy was talking about how much Mr. Kitty was loved, it would have been a great opportunity to talk about animal charities that love cats, like Ally Cat Allies, which aims to reduce the number of cats killed in shelters by providing education and awareness of spay and neuter services, feral cat care, and other services to improve the lives of cats.

Tribute or terrible?

Cat worshipper or Crazy Cat Lady?

What do you think?

via Ecorazzi.com

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3 Responses to “Stacy Haiduk Cat Purse At Daytime Emmy Awards”

  1. Allie Says:

    Um, yeah.

    That’s creepy.

    She IS a crazy cat lady.

  2. dragonfly2287 Says:

    Disrespectful & distasteful! The cat may be dead but it is NOT an accessory! It was a beautiful living creature that was loved by someone at one time (I hope). How did it ever end up being being used as a prop??? I don’t watch soap opera’s (useless drama IMO) but for those that do………really???

  3. carole Says:

    It’s ok with me (an animal lover) but if it encourages others to kill cats and open a market for these “purses” then not a good idea.