Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful: Ed Begley Jr. Gets Pretty With Pangea Organics

Kenneth Cole Awearness & Feed Projects Celebrate The Feed Health Backpack

“… get some good products like Pangea products, you know the great soaps and body care / facial care products , terrific products that are good for the environment and good for your body and good for your pocketbook.”

“These things last long, you don’t have skin issues, you don’t have to go to a skin doctor because you’re using some harsh skin treatment solution or some harsh soap. It’s going to be good for your bottom line, all these things that I mentioned. So that’s what I urge people to do, and that’s why we’ve partnered with the best companies , companies like Pangea.”

—-Ed Begley Jr. giving a shout out to Pangea Organics, a company that produces environmentally friendly beauty care products, most of which are vegan.

Check them out, read the founder’s blog, and get yourself some beauty goodies that do you and the planet good.

via naturalnews.com via youryogi.com

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