Quantcast Vegetarian StarLeilani Munter Does California Vegan Restaurant

Photo: Phil Cavali

Photo: Phil Cavali

Last month Leilani Munter Tweeted about grabbing some vegan grub at California Vegan Restaurant in L.A.

The NASCAR and IndyCar driver who calls herself a “vegetarian hippie chick” is an active environmentalist, so it’s no wonder she knows the best thing for the planet is to go meatless.

California Vegan has been hooking folks up in the LA region since 2003.

It has several menus, including lunch and dinner, that give the vegan eatery bragging rights with offerings such as California soy chicken, the Pepper Steak “Burger,” and Thai curries featuring all colors of the rainbow-red, yellow, and green.

You don’t hear much about celebrities dropping by California Vegan as you do with other LA vegan eateries like Real Food Daily.

Maybe now that Leilani’s giving it some press, it will become the next hotspot for the vegetarian celebrities to hang.

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