Quantcast Vegetarian StarMichelle Forbes Can’t Believe Animals Are Sacrificed

Michelle Forbes Can’t Believe Animals Are Sacrificed

Written by Vegetarian Star on August 25th, 2009 in Actresses, Food & Drink.

25th Annual Television Critics Association Awards - Arrivals

Michelle Forbes plays the villainous character Maryann Forrester on HBO’s True Blood.

Forbes’ character may do some barbaric things on the show, but according to Forbes, it’s just based on the “moral construct” of her group.

In other words, everybody’s cool with it!

Forbes, a vegetarian, used this example to explain how she can’t believe people are still eating animals, because based on her moral code, they shouldn’t be.

From blackbookmag.com:

“I do believe that she’s a character that’s all about perspective. If you think that this is an immortal being. She’s been around since the beginning of time. She’s lived in certain periods of our humanity, where there were people who would sit and watch other men tear each other apart for sport. Children were sacrificed. It’s not unheard of in history. In her mind, she’s seen it all. I think what’s great about the storyline is that it challenges our belief system. You and I can sit here in 2009 and say it’s outrageous that someone would sacrifice humans. My belief system, as a vegetarian, can’t believe that animals are being sacrificed. I stand by that in Maryann’s mind, there’s nothing malevolent. She has a different way of looking at the world.”

Read the rest of Michelle’s interview.

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