Quantcast Vegetarian StarBarack Obama Caught Eating Fruit. Gasp!

Barack Obama Caught Eating Fruit. Gasp!

Written by Vegetarian Star on August 24th, 2009 in Food & Drink, Politicians.

U.S. President Obama eats fruit at a market after town hall meeting in Virginia.

Take a good look, folks.

It may be a dozen burger joints before you see something like this again.

Barack “Burger Boy” Obama was photographed eating a nectarine at Kroger’s after a town hall meeting in Virginia.

Is he taking Whole Foods CEO John Mackey’s advice and setting an example for health care?

After all the cow meat rendezvous ( Ray Hell’s, Five Guys, steak at his White House pad), it’s refreshing to see Mr. President making a great example by munching on something healthy.

From his facial expression, it almost looks as if he’s on some top secret mission to eat the apricot, though.

Are there Secret Service men hiding underneath the plums?

Is he thinking of switching the signs to get a better deal on those $2.99 limes?

No, stop it… Don’t make fun of the pres. Only reward him for the good behavior!

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