Quantcast Vegetarian StarNicole Lapin Says Houston’s Veggie Burger Is The Stuff!

The 33rd Annual Gracie Allen Awards

CNN journalist and vegan hottie Nicole Lapin recently updated her Facebook about stuffing her face with a veggie burger from Houston’s Restaurants.

“Why does Houston’s have the best veggie burger on the planet?? It’s deliciously oxymoronic…”

What goes into a Houston’s veggie burger?

The menu says the House Made Veggie Burger contains, “sweet soy, Jack cheese, mayonnaise and mustard on a house-made bun.”

No note on whether vegans can leave off the cheese and be safe.

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One Response to “Nicole Lapin Says Houston’s Veggie Burger Is The Stuff!”

  1. Danielle Staub Enjoys Houston’s Veggie Burger For Birthday Bash Says:

    […] It’s also a favorite of journalist Nicole Lapin. […]