Quantcast Vegetarian StarThird Eye Blind’s Stephen Jenkins Boycotts KFC

MTV And Rock Band Official Showcase

Joining dozens of other musicians, including Billy Coragan and Jimmy Chamberlin, Third Eye Blind’s lead singer and guitarist Stephen Jenkins has given Kentucky Fried Chicken the thumbs down.

Jenkins signed the petition PETA has against KFC due to the way chickens used by the fast food franchise are handled during and before slaughter.

The pledge Stephen and other celebrities have signed against KFC reads as follows:

“Each year, roughly 1 billion chickens raised for KFC suffer from extremely crowded conditions, crippling bone and joint problems resulting from top-heavy breeding, callous handling, inhumane slaughter techniques, and shortened life spans. Because chickens are intelligent and sensitive animals with strong social bonds, I urge David Novak and KFC to address these issues with urgency and negotiate with PETA to improve the lives of these animals.”

KFC has made and is still working towards improvements in its Canadian restaurants, and even offers a vegan chicken sandwich there.

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One Response to “Third Eye Blind’s Stephen Jenkins Boycotts KFC”

  1. Melanie Says:


    What a coincidence.

    Just got off the phone with a friend who was heading for KFC. Convinced her to go to Qdoba instead.