Quantcast Vegetarian StarHeather Mills’ Vegan Campaigns In The Hamptons

Heather Mills’ Vegan Campaigns In The Hamptons

Written by Vegetarian Star on August 10th, 2009 in Chefs, Food & Drink, Models.

Heather Mills stands against cruelty

Heather Mills doesn’t take a day off!

According to PEOPLE, while the vegan restaurant owner was relaxing in the Hamptons, she took the opportunity to educate people on a vegan diet.

“Even at lunch today, at the Southampton Beach Club, the people sitting next to me were having cow’s milk,” Heather said. “So I said, try soya. It’s better for you. And I brought them a little care packet.”

It wasn’t mentioned how receptive the guests at the Southampton Beach Club were to Heather’s suggestions, but hey, who can turn down a beautiful blonde?

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