Quantcast Vegetarian StarAni Phyo Brags About Joel Madden’s Green Pursuits

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The great raw Queen Ani Phyo catered a private event recently, and after all the hard work she stopped by to party with Good Charlotte twin Joel Madden.

Joel was spinning for a party at a West Hollywood hotel, but took the time to pose for the camera with Ani, who complimented him and partner Nicole Ritchie for making such great green efforts.

“Joel Madden is married to gorgeous Nicole Richie, and they’re both committed to living eco green. For their 2nd child’s room, they choose non-toxic paints for the walls, organic cotton sheets, and wood products made from reclaimed sustainable wood from the Brazilian rain forest.”

Ani has catered to several stars, including the band Maroon 5.

Visit Ani’s blog to see her pic with Joel and learn all about the raw goodness she doesn’t cook up in her kitchen.

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One Response to “Ani Phyo Brags About Joel Madden’s Green Pursuits”

  1. cammy Says:

    Joel and Nicole aren’t married