Quantcast Vegetarian StarSuperheroes: What Would Emily Deschanel Do?

Superheroes: What Would Emily Deschanel Do?

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 30th, 2009 in Actresses.

(500) Days of Summer Los Angeles Premiere

Instyle.com caught up with several actresses at Comic-Con to ask what they would do if they could be superheros.

Emily Deschanel’s superhero vision isn’t that far fetched, as there are already plenty of ladies putting cabbage around their bodies.

ā€œIā€™d wear a lot of lettuce and turn everything into vegetarian meals. I could turn everybody into vegans and stop all cruelty in general.ā€

Sounds like the ultimate superfantasy.

What would you do if you played superhero for a day, week, or forever? Allow endangered species to thrive? Veganize all fast food restaurants? Chit chat with your favorite animal friend?

via styleshop.com

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3 Responses to “Superheroes: What Would Emily Deschanel Do?”

  1. Cashew Says:

    Haha! Bravo Emily! ;D
    Wonderful woman!!!

  2. Kayleigh Says:

    I love her! She is just amazing and such a great role-model! I wish everyone was like her! (:

    Go Emily!! šŸ˜€

  3. Sabine Says:

    That’s fantastic !
    I love Emily! šŸ™‚
    She is a fantastic woman ! šŸ™‚