Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful: Moby Loves NYC’s Angelica Kitchen

**RESTRICTIONS APPLY** Moby at The Hangover premiere event at Vue cinema in London

“New York is a big, gritty city, but it’s also the easiest place in the world to eat well. Within a 10-minute walk of my studio, there are probably 20 vegetarian restaurants. My favorite is still one of the oldest vegetarian restaurants in New York: Angelica Kitchen, on 12th Street. I’ve probably eaten there 2,000 times in my life. I like the fact that it’s been around for so long; it doesn’t take credit cards and there’s still always a line out the door.”

—-Moby, in a letter explaining why the vegan restaurant, Angelica Kitchen, is one of many reasons he loves New York.

Angelica’s has been feeding veggie New Yorkers since 1976, and features both everyday and special menus filled with delish vegan dishes like the Open Face Tempeh Sandwich, miso soup, noodle dishes and much more.

Potentially being able to spy on Moby makes another great reason to stop by.

via NY Celebrity Restaurant Scene Examiner Charles Thorp

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