Quantcast Vegetarian StarHeather Mills’ Daughter Beatrice Publicly Calls Out Meat Eaters

Heather Mills Launches V-Bites Restaurant

Ah, children.

So sweet, innocent, and cute.

Until they’re old enough to talk about how you do everything wrong.

But we can’t help but giggle and cheer for the fact that Heather Mills’ daughter with ex Beatles singer Paul McCartney, Beatrice, likes to question people about their eating habits.

On a trip to Southern France, Heather, Beatrice, and Paul were shunned by their fellow guests because their daughter couldn’t stop asking people why they were eating animals.

“Beatrice questions everybody who eats animals,” Heather said. “When we were in the south of France, there was a buffet for kids, and by the end of the week no one would sit near us because she would go over and say Why are you eating that cow’s bottom?’ or Oh, look at that little shrimp with little eyes’.”

An outspoken activist in the making.

via thisislondon.co.uk

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