Quantcast Vegetarian StarChristy Turlington Calls Vegetarians “Pale Veal”

Christy Turlington Calls Vegetarians “Pale Veal”

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 30th, 2009 in Models, Not So Vegetarian.

2009 Envision Forum - Day 1

Talk about betrayal!

Supermodel Christy Turlington used to be a vegetarian, but now she eats meat.

If it isn’t enough to have the gorgeous supermodel turning her back on the veg movement, Turlington has hurled some pretty nasty insults about vegheads.

According to anneofcarsville.com, Christy calls pale vegetarians “veal.”

You could take that as a compliment though, given the fact that baby animals are incredibly cute.

She is currently working towards a Master’s Degree in Public Health at Columbia University.

Maybe Christy should look into writing a thesis on how a vegetarian diet can reduce diseases public health officials would love to combat, like obesity and diabetes.

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11 Responses to “Christy Turlington Calls Vegetarians “Pale Veal””

  1. Nathan Says:

    The betrayal!! I would love to see a Deathmatch between Christy Turlington and Emily Deschanel.

  2. DRay Says:

    What an idiot. I feel sory for her-no brain and no heart.

  3. vegan Says:

    I hate this girl
    I can’t believe some vegetairans eat animals again
    why ??? they’re silly
    how come one stops eating animals because he she realizes it’s cruel and then they go back to eating dead animals, why? they don’t think it’s cruel anymore?
    They’re so foolish

  4. Mia Says:

    If I didn’t know so many militant veggies, I’d probably stop eating meat.

  5. AJ Says:

    Mia, that doesn’t make any sense. You should become a vegetarian on your own accord, not because of others. That said, if you were sensitized to the killing of animals for our consumption when there are meaningful aternatives available, then that should be enough to become vegetarian. I became vegetarian when I was a teenager.

    Some people are sensitive, and some people aren’t. If you aren’t sensitive, there’s no need to get irritated by those who are. Ultimately, we will all die and our decisions are meaningless as far as nature is concerned (Earth doesn’t care if the human species survives). Do it for yourself.

  6. Jan Says:

    AJ, that was such a great reply to Mia. I understand her viewpoint, because although I don’t eat meat, I get tired of the strident people who harp. It is a reality shift, and explaining it to her that way makes much more sense.

    Everything you wrote is so true, to me. Thanks.

  7. louise Says:

    Maybe you people could just live and let live. Eat what you want or don’t want and allow others to do the same without all your judgement.

  8. Nora Jones Says:

    I lost what little respect I had for her!

  9. Lloyd Says:

    “Maybe you people could just live and let live.”

    Then follow your own advice and let live.

  10. Lloyd Says:

    Good post AJ.

  11. anonymus Says:

    I am not a vegetarian, but I respect those who are because they have the willpower that I lack , I love animals but I love eating meat.
    As for this woman I can only say that each passing day is silly . This is the idiot who trumpeted from the rooftops not that “you get out of bed for less than $ 10,000. ” yes, yes , it was this ” savvy ” that dropped the little phrase and not Linda Evangelista , who certainly had to eat brown because of the idiot Christy .
    This is also the little jokes with bulimia was in his time model …. She believed very funny telling reporters ” you know, then I’m gonna throw up. ” A lot of girls suffer this problem this asshole , joking with such a serious thing . He was also in the 90s, was leaving New York restaurants without giving a miserable tip the waiter …. It was always a rat with money and has it in abundance. He thinks he’s ready for having studied a college degree, just for that ! . I can only say that this saying goes Christy is fulfilled . ” Models are dumb” And this is not only silly but also reminds us that it is time to time.