Quantcast Vegetarian StarVegan Streaker Released For Threats Against Queen Beatrix

Vegan Streaker Released For Threats Against Queen Beatrix

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 28th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Fur.

Emiel Keetelar on Wikimedia Commons

Emiel Keetelar on Wikimedia Commons

Dutch police have released Peter Janssen, otherwise known as the “vegan streaker.”

Janssen was arrested last week after police received a tip that he was planning to attack Queen Beatrix of Holland because she wears fur.

The 24 year old animal rights activists earned his named as the “vegan streaker” after he made a surprise appearance on a Dutch television show wearing only black briefs and anti-meat slogans painted on his body.

He was released after authorities determined they did not have sufficient evidence to keep him in custody.

A statement said: “The investigation by the national detectives unit has so far not yielded any evidence.”

Janssen is denying the allegations and says he plans to launch a lawsuit for wrongful arrest.

Queen Beatrix has been in the news about fur before when Pamela Anderson wrote a letter asking her to ban it from Holland.

via allheadlinenews.com via vanityfair.com

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