Quantcast Vegetarian StarBoy George Made Vegetarian Food For Inmates During Prison Stint

Gay Pride Weekend In London

There are numerous ways to pass the time while serving a jail or prison sentence.

Singer Boy George decided to make himself useful during his term by showing off his chef skills in the kitchen during his four months behind bars.

The 80s Culture Club and “Karma Kameleon” star convicted of falsely imprisoning a male escort said he made all the meatless food in prison.

“I’m a pretty good cook and made all the vegetarian food,” George said, according to the Daily Express.

Hey, it probably beats most prison commissary.

Luckily, George had access to all the ingredients he needed to make a good veg dish, as other prisoners, like Lizzy Borden’s Ira Black, aren’t so lucky.

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3 Responses to “Boy George Made Vegetarian Food For Inmates During Prison Stint”

  1. Allie Says:

    At least he made himself useful…ha!

  2. Anastacia Sabriel Says:

    OMG, he looks like he’s gay. Is he?

  3. “Celebrity Big Brother” House Fur Rug Animal Hell Says:

    […] bad, because at least he could have cooked veg food for everyone to offset all that bad animal karma […]