Quantcast Vegetarian StarPink Says Go Veg For Simplest Animal Welfare Move

Pink Says Go Veg For Simplest Animal Welfare Move

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 22nd, 2009 in Animal Issues, Female Singers.

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Our animal advocate friends down under at Animals Australia Unleashed had the pleasure of speaking with the lovely vegetarian singer Pink.

Pink has been helping animals her entire life, rescuing injured ones when she was a child.

Her biggest contribution to saving animals nowadays is refusing to eat them, and she shares this as a tip for those wanting to be involved with animal welfare.

“Rescuing a shelter animal as opposed to a puppy mill or pet shop. Not wearing fur, becoming a vegetarian, donating time or money to a shelter.”

Sounds simple enough.

Pink admitted she’s pretty vocal about her opinions and is not afraid to tell people wearing fur how disgusting they look.

Hey, we believe it. Remember when she said she’d like to make a fur coat out of Kanye West?

Visit animalsunleashed.org.au to read the entire interview with Pink.

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One Response to “Pink Says Go Veg For Simplest Animal Welfare Move”

  1. louise byrne Says:

    well done pink thanks from me and the animals you save xx