Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful: Melissa Etheridge Puts The Best In Her Stomach

Hard Rock Cafe Hollywood Hosts A Live Performance By Melissa Etheridge

“When I got my breast cancer diagnosis [in 2004] and realized that my body was out of balance, I started to look at what it needed to be in balance: good food, whole food. I started looking at the environment around me — and I realized we need similar ingredients to make our earth bodies run. We have neglected what it takes to make the earth run. When I got involved in Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth,” I really began to educate myself.I realized I couldn’t keep walking down the path of, “I can put anything I want into my stomach, and I’m going to live forever.” That’s not going to work, nor will it for the Earth.”

—-Melissa Etheridge, on the realization that both our bodies and our planet need only the healthiest ingredients put into them.

Melissa puts the best in her body by maintaining a vegetarian diet.

via politico.com via Ecorazzi.com

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