Quantcast Vegetarian StarHeather Mills Putting Multiple Cuisine Types On V Bites Menu

Heather Mills leaves This Morning TV Studios after a cooking demo - London

Okay, so you’re out with friends and everybody’s hungry, but you’ve been trying to figure out where to eat for the past 1/2 hour because you can’t agree on one place.

You want Chinese, your sig other wants Italian, your best friends wants Greek…arghhhh!

Heather Mills has recognized this issue and plans to put at least two dishes from various International cuisine types to make groups of people like you and your friends happy.

“And the evening menu will include two Thai dishes, and two Indian dishes, and two Italian dishes, and so on; because you know what it’s like when you want to go out for dinner with your friends, and one of them wants Italian, and one of them wants Thai, and you want Indian … well, that won’t be a problem here, will it?” Heather said, in an interview with the UK Guardian about her new vegan restaurant, V Bites.

Problem solved for where to eat. You can even plan ahead by reading the V Bites menu before you go.

Now, if Heather can resolve the argument of paying separately or paying with one check.

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