Quantcast Vegetarian StarMoby To Jump Start Climate Change Concerts In Europe

**RESTRICTIONS APPLY** Moby at The Hangover premiere event at Vue cinema in London

Moby will kick off a set of concerts in Europe next month in efforts to raise climate change awareness in young people.

In a joint deal with MTV, the concerts are part of the European Commission’s “Play to stop – Europe for climate” campaign.

Moby will perform in Stockholm on August 20, with other musicians taking the stages in Budapest and Copenhagen during the following weeks.

Looks like the European Commission and MTV chose the right man for the job. Who better to represent climate change awareness than longtime vegan Moby?

There’s no greater way to reduce your impact on the planet than to choose a plant based diet, which can reduce livestock emissions, and clear land that would normally be used to feed farm animals for people.

The musician has also been active in supporting Paul McCartney’s Meat Free Monday campaign, aimed at getting people to just reduce their meat consumption by going vegetarian one day a week.

Sure hope he plasters a “Go Veg” sign on his stage set.

via news.yahoo.com

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