Quantcast Vegetarian StarNo Vegan Version Of Michael Jackson Butter Sculpture On The Ballot

Michael Jackson wax unveiled at Madame Tussauds in London

Officials at the Iowa State Fair are giving people a chance to vote online to determine if the fair will feature a butter sculpture of the late King of Pop, Michael Jackson.

The sculptures are a regular part of the fair and celebrate various iconic people and events.

This year, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon mission and Neil Armstrong’s walk on the moon, the 2009 butter sculpture “masterpiece” (our word, not theirs), will feature an astronaut, an American Flag, and depending on the public vote, Michael Jackson in recognition for his “moonwalk”.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has suggested a non-dairy version of the butter sculpture, made with Earth Balance vegan butter instead.

Same buttery taste, minus cholesterol and cramped cows on dairy farms? Yum, that’s lickable!

But given the fact the butter sculptures are a way to celebrate the dairy industry at the fair and historically speaking, were started to promote the Beatrice Creamery Company, a Nebraska dairy that once dominated the Midwest before the big boys at Con Agra took over, it’s unlikely PETA or any vegans will get their wish.

Voting is still taking place online today and the results will be made public on July 17.

via breitbart.com

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