Quantcast Vegetarian StarWho Would You: Anna Paquin Or Ginnifer Goodwin (HBO Edition)

Both Anna Paquin and Ginnifer Goodwin have a love for all things meatless. And both just happen to be stars on bigtime HBO television series. Goodwin plays the role of Margene Heffman on the Mormon themed Big Love, while Anna hangs with the vampires as Sookie Stackhouse on True Blood.

So between the two HBO hotties, who would you rather…

Premiere Of HBOs True Blood 2nd Season - Arrivals HBOs Big Love 3rd Season Premiere

Who Would You Rather Have Veggie Burger Lunch With?

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One Response to “Who Would You: Anna Paquin Or Ginnifer Goodwin (HBO Edition)”

  1. Milton Says:

    right on