Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful: Chrissie Hynde Not Interested In Feminist Meat Eaters

Chrissie Hynde and her band The Pretenders play a live set at the Hard Rock Calling 2009 festival in London

“I’ve never been a feminist so there you go. I just do what I think I have to do. I’m not resistant. I’m only interested in meat-eaters and non-meat-eaters. If you’re a feminist and a meat-eater you’ve got nothing to do with me. We’re not speaking the same language. I’ve never been discriminated against anyway.”

—-Chrissie Hynde, who said she doesn’t get why some people are hung up on gender. Incidentally, some vegans might consider the dairy industry to be a feminist thing, as female cows are forcefully impregnated to produce milk for human profit and consumption. Is there a feminist theme behind the Dairy is Rape saying?

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One Response to “Meatless Mouthful: Chrissie Hynde Not Interested In Feminist Meat Eaters”

  1. Kaylee Says:

    LMAO! You probably didn’t mean to, but that photo looks as if she’s almost saying, “Kiss my…” to feminists or someone else who gets on her nerves.