Quantcast Vegetarian StarDan Piraro Slams Hospital For Using Cats In Medical Procedure


Cartoonist Dan Piraro has penned a letter to officials at St. Louis Children’s Hospital for using cats as dummies in their pediatric intubation training sessions.

Trainees in the Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) force plastic tubes down cats’ throats to prep them for performing the medical procedure on a real human one day.

This is done even though the sponsor of the course, American Heart Association (AHA), exclusively recommends practicing on manikins and similar types of simulators.

What’s more, the AHA has distanced itself from facilities that continue to practice this archaic method!

Piraro wrote a letter that appeared in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that read, “It doesn’t take a medical degree to recognize that practicing intubation on a limp cat is nothing like doing the same procedure on a larger, crying, squirming and/or coughing human child.”

And so was the creative juice for the above cartoon.

via peta.org

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One Response to “Dan Piraro Slams Hospital For Using Cats In Medical Procedure”

  1. Susie Says:

    If the AMA does not recommend using cats, why on earth are they still doing it.

    Is it because it’s cheaper to get a stray cat than to buy the plastic dummies?

    That is stupid and I hope they experience a lot of public humiliation from the media when this news spreads.