Quantcast Vegetarian StarGeorges Laraque Orders KFC Vegan Chicken Sandwiches To Go



Ah, yes.

There’s nothing like a man who knows how to hold a vegan chicken sandwich.

Montreal Canadienes hockey player Georges Laraque tried one of Kentucky Fried Chicken’s vegan faux chicken patties.

The vegan sandwich is currently available at KFCs in Canada only. The vegan offering was part of a deal the restaurant chain reached with PETA to move towards less cruelty, and they are currently making the transition to switch to controlled atmosphere killing.

Apparently, dude loved it so much, he ordered two more to go!

But we know he could have easily downed another on the spot if he was hungry enough, given the fact that he’s a six three, 260 pound athlete who maintains his athletic frame on a vegan diet.

Yep, that’s right. Georges was vegetarian for awhile, but made the vegan switch in June.

via peta.org

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