Quantcast Vegetarian StarOrlando Bloom, Miranda Kerr At Veg Restaurant Real Food Daily

Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr attend a party for Rachel Zoe in NYC

One scorching hot couple, Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr, was spotted grabbing a bite to eat at the vegetarian restaurant Real Food Daily.

If you’re in the Santa Monica, California area, you might spy a whole host of veg celebs eating there, including Tobey Maguire, Ginnifer Goodwin, and Heather Mills.

Miranda had the job of carrying the doggie bag home while Orlando seemed to be giving her a pat on the bum.

We’re sure it was Orlando’s way of praising Miranda for picking such a great restaurant, hahaha.

Miranda showed her vegan friendly love before when she modeled for and launched the Victoria’s Secret PINK collection, a vegan and free of animal testing body care line from the company

Visit x17online.com to see the pics of Orlando and Miranda, otherwise known as “Mirlando,” taking their veggie grub to their car.

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