Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful: Emily Deschanel #1 Eco Tip–Go Vegan!

Monte Carlo Television Festival 2009 Day 4

“Go vegan! Or at least eat less meat and dairy. For some reason, the eco movement has been slow and a bit wary to talk about this. But it is pretty much the best thing you could do for the environment.”

—-Bones’ actress Emily Deschanel to ecostiletto.com, when asked what her favorite eco friendly tip was that readers should know about.

According to the creators of Meat the Truth, livestock greenhouse gases account for more emissions than those made by every car, train, boat, and plane we get around in.

Ah, yes. Al Gore it’s time to do your thing. Let’s not let the most inconvenient truth of all get in the way of going totally green.

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