Quantcast Vegetarian StarFred Mascherino Car Runs On Chinese Restaurant Veggie Oil

Live Earth - New York - Press Room

Fred Mascherino, ex Taking Back Sunday guitarist and singer who went on to form the band The Color Fred, is so green he’s “phat” off oil!

Vegan Fred has a car that runs on vegetable oil he gets from a Chinese restaurant. Luckily, they don’t fry in lard, otherwise raising the animal who’s fat will eventually run the car kinda cancels out any eco-friendliness.

Using our own fat? Well, that might reduce at least somebody’s footprint-literally.

“Being vegan is about the best thing a person can do to be “green,” Fred said. “Using less, buying less and eating less is the idea but even just eating a little less meat makes a difference.”

The next obvious question is how Fred pays for his oil. It would be COOL to walk into China Express and say, “I’ll take what I ate this week in fuel.”

Some sources even recommend, “Develop a relationship with the manager or owner of local establishments. Tell him or her that you’re interested in collecting their waste vegetable oil. Offer to do it for free.”

We smell and taste an All You Can Eat Oil Club program forming at businesses soon.

via theywillrockyou.com

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