Quantcast Vegetarian StarVote! Write Us In For The 2009 VegNews Veggie Awards!

Vote! Write Us In For The 2009 VegNews Veggie Awards!

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 1st, 2009 in Business.


It’s that time again to vote for your favorite vegetarian and vegan stuff in the 2009 VegNews Veggie Awards!

We invite all our fans to write us in for the favorite blog category.

The entrants already listed are based on last year’s votes, but if enough people write us in, we’ll appear as a voting choice!

Besides favorite blog, there are categories like best restaurant, favorite veg celebrity, favorite veg meat, and even the best tofu!

If you don’t have any favorites in any other category, you can skip all the other pages and go straight to the blog category to vote.

Best of all? Everyone who votes will be entered to win several prizes, including vegan ice cream and pizza kits, a tropical getaway in Key West that includes dinner at the lovely vegan restaurant Sublime, and vegan handbags from Matt & Nat.

Voting starts today and ends July 31, 2009 at midnight.

Winners will be featured in the November/December Holiday issue of VegNews.

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One Response to “Vote! Write Us In For The 2009 VegNews Veggie Awards!”

  1. Allie Says:


    I wrote you guys in.