Quantcast Vegetarian StarGinnifer Goodwin, Nellie McKay Taking Action For Animals

Amgen Tour of California Stage 7

The fifth annual Taking Action for Animals conference is taking place this month from the 24th-27 in Arlington, Virginia.

Actress Ginnifer Goodwin and Nellie McKay are among the guest speakers, along with notable animal advocates like CEO and president of the Humane Society of the United States, Wayne Pacelle.

This is definitely worth a road trip for animals lovers as registration for the conference is only $165, with options to attend one or two specific workshops, as well as an exhibit pass.

Issues such as factory farming, dog fighting, effective campaigning, and lobbying are just some of the workshops that will offered.

Not to mention, there’s a banquet too-good food always make an event better!

For more information, visit takingactionforanimals.org and register today.

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